Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Things I Love, Christmas Edition

Is everyone else as exhausted as I am? This holiday season really took it out of me. But, between you, me, and kitchen sink, I wouldn't have it any other way. I am happy to report that all the parties were a success and all gifts were well received (worrying about that is a major source of panic for me). So after such a successful Christmas, I'm taking a little bit of a break; just a simple little post tonight. I thought I might take a page out of Miss Lucy's book and do a Things I Love post and since Christmas just whooshed by, I'll combine the two. 

  • I got to see some folks this holiday that I hadn't seen in a while and that was a blast.
  • I love Peter Jackson forever for giving us something to look forward to next Christmas with the trailer for "The Hobbit." So excited!
  • I love how well my family and friends knows me; I got steampunk and sci-fi for Christmas. Check out my new toy! He moves and when I turned him on for the first time, he made straight for the Christmas village on the piano shouting "Exterminate!"

  • I'm super delighted to know that my brother's fiancĂ©e is comfortable enough around us to wear some truly impressive leopard print pajamas on Christmas morning. And that she wasn't weired out by my family's eccentricities. Welcome to the family, Maria!
  • So much good food!
  • Performing a bit of magic with Miss Lucy; I swear those bundles worked, Lucy!
There was so much more, but that is all I can think of at the moment. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to get started on my New Year's resolutions; I ate far too much! I hope you all had a Fantiastic Christmas!

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