Friday, January 27, 2012

Nightstand Edition 1.26.12

Greetings Spatulans! 

I cannot believe that tomorrow is Friday. This week has been going by so fast, and yet the days seem to stretch out terribly long. Must be one of those Wibbly Wobbly Timey Whimey things.

Anywho. It's winter, even though it's darn near tropical here in southside Virginia, the fact is remains that it is still January. And Winter means hibernation. And hibernation, for me, means sitting on my duff and getting some reading done. Which is why I bring you....Nightstand: What I'm Reading

Nightstand is what I books I'm currently reading that live on my bedside table. Let's dig in shall we? 

From top to bottom we have:

Stuck: Why We Can't (or Won't) Move On by Anneli Rufus- I purchased this book on a whim recently, and have been very much enjoying it. Some of the writing gets a bit swampy and bogged down with facts and research, but overall Anneli makes very interesting points. 

Women Who Run With The Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes- You've all heard me rant and rave about this book, I know. I've been working my way through this book off and on for months now. Being my second read through, I wanted to slow down and take my time so that I might be able to better soak up all the goodness this book contains. A friend of mine once said that she thought this should be considered essential reading for all women. I have to agree! 

The Secret Power of Middle Children by Catherine Salmon, Ph. D. & Katrin Schuman-  Being a middle child I always knew I had super powers. Now I'm finding out what they are. I promise to use them for good and not (too much) evil. ;) A very good read, and one I highly recommend! 

So good Spatulans of the world- what books are you keeping by your side? 

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