Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Whimsy Wednesday: Make Something

Make breakfast and art with someone.
This Wednesday make something for someone (or for a few someones). Or, if you can't make something today for someone, sit down and plan on making something this weekend for someone - write out a list of friends and things that they like and supplies you'd need to make that thing for that person. You can also write a letter to someone you miss. Put it in an envelope, stamp it, and send it on it's way today. You could also plan an "art date" to make something this weekend with someone so you get to see the person and get to make something with them. Plan out a simple breakfast (or lunch) and a project to work on together. 

Some project ideas: Make something scrumptious and take it to your friend (like this spiced strawberry sauce), make some homemade magnets, make some friendship bracelets, make a necklace out of old buttons, make someone a home cooked meal, make a bird feeder out of a pine cone, peanut butter and bird seed.

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